
Using a preset

/// Presets live inside the $presets array in config/glideinabox.php

$presets = [
    'list' => [
        'w'   => 300,
        'h'   => 300,
        'fit' => 'max',
        'fm'  => 'jpg'

The basic image

// Here's the image as defined in the preset
$jpegImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list');

Change the encoding

// I want it in WebP for modern times!
$webpImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->webp();

// Now in PNG
$pngImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->png();

// Or as a lower quality JPEG
$lowQualityJpegImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->quality(40);

Manipulate the image


// A larger WebP
$largerImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->size(640, 480)->webp();


$brighterImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->bri(75);


$darkerImage = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')->bri(-75);

Chain as many manipulations as you want

use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Border;
use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Crop;
use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Filter;

$image = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->preset('list')
                                                     ->cropToPosition(400, 400, Crop::BOTTOM_LEFT)
                                                     ->border(2, 'AABBCCDD', Border::OVERLAY)

Working without a preset

Basic resized image

$image = glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->size(300, 300)->fit('max')->jpeg();

Using several manipulations

use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Border;
use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Crop;
use AmpedWeb\GlideUrl\Interfaces\Filter;

$image = (string)glide_url('/path/to/your/image.jpg')->cropToPosition(400, 400, Crop::BOTTOM_LEFT)
                                                     ->border(2, 'AABBCCDD', Border::OVERLAY)

In Blade Templates

The basic image

Change the encoding

What happened to the url() method? Can I still use it?

As of version 0.4.0, FluentUrlBuilder has been made “stringable” by implementing __toString(). What this means is that you can cast to (string) or print an instance instead of needing to call url().

Why? Why have you done this?!

It has always felt clunky to have to call url() to get the URL - a pain point in an otherwise pleasant experience. As the primary purpose of this package is to provide a pleasant interface over Glide, we thought that this needed to be improved.

Does this break backwards compatibility?

No. The url() method is still available.

So don’t worry - you don’t need to change any of your existing code (unless you want to).